As part of our commitment to provide the best possible service to our clients, HEF recognizes the importance of ongoing communication and education, offering a newsletter, technical talks, and downloadable online resources.
Online resources (White papers, posters and video presentations):
- Understanding sand body geometry and lithology in horizontal oil sands wells - wireline & MWD image examples
Sand-body-geometry-in-HZ-wells.pdf3.54 MB
- Drilling induced and natural fractures in horizontal wells
induced-fractures-in-HZ-wells.pdf2.41 MB
- More coming soon...
Technical Talks
In person at your office or ours, over the phone or via video conference, to an individual or group, we are pleased to offer technical talks presented by HEF’s President, Kris Vickerman. Talks can be tailored to your specific needs or chosen from a list of commonly requested topics. For further information or to set up a technical talk, please call 1-403-269-3158 or fill out the form below:
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